This is your chance to ask Brian any question you'd like about any business topic. Each month, Brian will choose one question and his answer will be posted on the site. If you choose, your business will not be identified in the answer and references to its name will be removed from the public version of your question.
Could you tell me the main tactics which are used in negotiations? Fisnik D.
In terms of generic advise, I always drive this stake in the ground: There is a real danger in giving and accepting dogmatic kinds of solutions to business concerns. An in depth analysis of each situation is almost always a compelling requirement, one essential to any potentially viable solution.
With that disqualifying comment having been made, here’s an idea that might help you just a little.
Your question, one that refers to the “main tactics, which are used in negotiations (and some descriptions for each tactic” is an excellent one. Tactics are sometimes what get us into trouble in negotiations and imply an atmosphere of win/lose. You don’t want that! In the alternative, it’s important to determine the interests of the other group and know your own. As well, you need to understand your own “no deal” cut off point and you need to explore theirs. By doing this, you can create mutually beneficial opportunities and expand the range of possible outcomes. The only good deal is good for both parties and all parties, as the case may be. It’s crucial to remain principled in everything you do.
Negotiation is a huge field of study and the people I try learn from are these, Fisher, Ury and Patton, who wrote the book “Getting To Yes”. As well, Jim Sebenius, David Lax and Paul Vatter are scholar practitioners for whom I have great respect. All have a Harvard affiliation. These are names that will offer substantive kinds of research backup in this very broad and very vital area of business management. They should be easy to find with a web search. Their books or papers are worth taking the time to read.
Some people would argue Fisnik, that everything in life is a negotiation. If you doubt that, visualize trying to feed mashed peas to a two year old who doesn’t want to eat them. Then think of my simplistic guidelines. I think you’ll agree, even with a two year old, this kind of approach can be helpful.
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